In this WordPress Blog post checklist we discuss basic SEO. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) does not have to be technically difficult. Website content should require smart planning, analysis and good work. The most important visitor to your website is not your target buyer. The most important website visitor to your site is the Googlebot. Learn basic SEO now starting with this WordPress Blog post checklist.

WordPress Blog post checklist in 8 easy steps
You need the Googlebot to understand your business, your target audience and visit your website each a lot. We’ll start with making sure the obvious information about your business is very clear. In order for your website to attract buyers at the right time, any business website must be able to be found in Google Search and display on the first page. An obvious no brainer right! Read our latest WordPress Blog post checklist…
In March 2019, over 4.4 million blog posts were published each day. Over 409 million people read more than 20 billion pages on each month in 2020. In 2020, 71% of all content on WordPress was in English and there were 488.1 million blogs on Tumblr in January 2020, says an article published on TechJury.
- In March 2019, over 4.4 million blog posts were published every day.
- Over 409 million people read more than 20 billion pages on WordPress each month in 2020.
- In 2020, 71% of all content on WordPress is in English.
- There were 488.1 million blogs on Tumblr in January 2020.
- Bloggers averaged 1150 words per post in 2018.
- Only 2% of bloggers publish every day.
- The median average time spent reading an article is 37 seconds.
- Source:
WordPress Blog post checklist 101
Below, we have carefully come up with a checklist followed by WordPress Development companies and websites which post blogs on WordPress. This checklist should be kept in mind before you hit publish for your WordPress Blog post. So, let’s get started with this WordPress Blog post checklist!

Keywords are the key
Before you start with your blog, you must research the keywords related to that topic. This will help you in writing SEO friendly content. Keywords help in ranking content better and gaining more views. While researching keywords keep in mind the phrases related to your topic that are mostly searched by readers.
Go for a catchy title
The first thing that will attract your target audience is the title. And, it is undeniable because all of us click on blogs that sound attractive. This is why your blog title must be very catchy and to the point. It should define the purpose of the blog, which means the claim must be related to the content.
SEO title must be short
If you are using a SEO title, make sure it is less than 60 characters. This is because if it is not short, then it will not be displayed entirely on the screen, and the reader might not click on it.
Meta Description is your friend
Having a meta description for your WordPress blog will again help in gaining views. To those who are newbies, the meta description is the short description that is displayed below the blog title on search engines and social platforms. Writing your own custom meta description is a good habit otherwise the search engines will grab the first few sentences of your content and display them as meta descriptions.
Focus on a focus keyword
Before you hit publish on your WordPress blog, you must ensure that your focus keyword is present in the title of your blog, the description of your blog as well as in the body of your blog. This will help in ranking your WordPress blog.
Interlinks will help
Using interlinks in your blog can help you in increasing page views and reducing bounce rates. Try to interlink 1-2 of your previous articles in your blog. You may find it to be difficult at the start, but once you have a collection of articles, it will get easier.
Open external links externally i.e. in a New window
External links help users in gaining more information about that topic but, at the same time, divert users from your site to the external links you provide. This will increase the bounce rate on your content. To avoid this, provide external links that open in a new window or tab.
Be Original
Plagiarism has a negative impact on your blog. WordPress also stands against plagiarism. This may lead to the deletion of your content from the website. To prevent this, make sure your content is 100% original. If you are picking some stats or info from an external source, do give it as a reference.
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